Leesvreugde - gee jou die voorsprong!
At Reading Excellence, we know that improved language proficiency is the key to academic progress and workplace success. We also know that it is within everyone's reach.
Functional literacy is essential for progress, inside the classroom as well as in the world outside
Improve your reading proficiency in your own time
A professional tool for development of advanced communication skills
Self-paced reading software enables the teacher to evaluate and interactively apply reading strategies, focusing on the individual needs of each learner
The Reading Excellence programme allows your child, your learner and your employee to excel
The computer programme, comprehensive content, work and story books improve vocabulary, reading fluency and overall communication skills of learners and professionals of all ages.
The programme content is based on award-winning South African literature and articles, selected specifically to encourage an appreciation of and love for story books
The South African Reading Laboratory for a new generation of achievers.
Success Stories
Technical Specifications
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